I get asked this question a lot and it is a complicated answer because no two people and no two relationships are the same.
The basis of Relationship Coaching which is different from Relationship Counselling or Marriage Counselling, is looking at each person as an individual and what their needs are.
If you feel like your relationship is in a bad place, you can make it an awesome relationship again with Relationship Coaching. We will look at behaviours (not necessarily bad behaviours) and responses to situations and assist you with strategies to move forward into a very happy relationship or marriage.
Relationship Coaching is a gentle and supportive way of looking at how we handle situations and the impact that has on our relationship or marriage. Finding ways to assist you to find yourself and be a happier version of yourself with only a few adaptations that are easy to implement although at first you may find them very difficult.
As a Relationship Coach my role is to assist you individually to find ways to lead you to having a great relationship rather than just existing and being in a volatile, hostile or loveless relationship. Therefore, it isn\’t necessary to have both parties present.
If it is a family relationship that has broken down, Relationship Coaching can assist with getting those relationships back on track too. You will be able to attend those family events and feel so different.
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below and I\’ll answer them as quickly as I can.
Anne Skelton